Referenser och succeshistorier
- Álgosiidu
- References

Bio-Rad Laboratories is an international biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Hercules, California. Specializing in life science research and clinical diagnostics, they have been using the 4D-based system Intercash from Softmark AG in Munich, Germany to track their main accounts.

Specializing in the design and construction of energy networks and pipelines, fluids, telecommunications and transport, BIR was founded 1972. Their customers include Paris Airports, Dalkia, ERDF,GRDF, Lyonnaise des Eaux, and RTE.

Blasi GmbH manufactures automatic doors, partitioning walls and security sensors. The lineup includes more than 5000 products and countless components. The calculation of estimates was complicated and time consuming, so the solution was to use 4D-based TOPIX:8 and its order processing module.

The International Dunhuang Project is a groundbreaking international collaboration to make information and images of all manuscripts, paintings, textiles and artefacts from Dunhuang and archaeological sites of the Eastern Silk Road freely available on the Internet. It is a network led by the British Library with its counterparts in Germany, France, Russia, China, Korea and Japan.

Calderón Sport is a Spanish company with over 30 years of experience in sales and distribution of sporting goods. In its 30 stores, the Spanish retailer uses 4D-based PowerShop for sales, cashiers, purchasing, billing, reports, inventory control and more.

« Integrerade hanteringslösningar som affärssystem används inte bara i tillverkningen, vilket bevisas av våra CapMedia Systems, som redan utrustar 14 tidningsföretag i Danmark och Sverige. Applikationen utvecklas med våra kunder, som bidrar till dess utveckling genom att uttrycka nya behov som svar på de stora förändringarna i mediebranschen. »
Michael Sandstrøm, CapMedia Systems

Caramelo is one of Spain's leading names in fashion. The company has more than 30 years of market experience, with retail presence in 27 countries such as Saudi Arabia, Greece, Chile, the United Arab Emirates, the Philippines, Kuwait, Mexico, Portugal and Russia.

«Den här fallstudien demonstrerar att 4D kan användas för att utveckla system som förr i tiden krävde ett stort projektteam, en stordator och en budget på flera miljoner pund.»
Ed Coxon
Programvaruutvecklare, Advanced Technology Integration

Christie's are the world's leading art business with global auctions and private sales that totaled £3.3 billion in 2010. Using an adapted version of 4D-powered Matrix CMS by the UK's Matrix Software, users can log into the content management system via a browser from any of Christie's 57 offices.

Chukyo Sansho Corporation (CSC) was founded in 1949 in Nagoya, Japan. They have three main businesses in the fields of high pressure gas and welding, new building products, and electronics. Their 4D-based business systems control sales management, stocks, accounting and more via 4D's client/server and web server capabilities.